Pardon me while I steal the OOC microphone, for my two cents worth (and keep in mind that it is only MY two cents worth.) I have not roleplayed with any of the IMVU “writers” except for a selection of several people, who I felt at least have their shit together in the online-life sense, and show some level of maturity and common sense. Then there is a very SELECT few of those that have encountered me in my "brief" visits to IMVU, and have been nothing but civil and mutually respectful. Lastly, there are those who indulge in the recent flux of bullshit concerning the mentioning of my real-life name, or the writing that I am/or was associated to either by fact, assumption, gossip or speculation.
These are actions from several groups of people who obviously have serious issues. I have no idea who any of you are - and truthfully, I don't really care to find out, and take the time out of my life to get to know you. I have no connections to you, and I don't seek to establish any. Word of advice: If you have that strong of a hatred for someone online after whatever propaganda has filled the small vacant spaces between your ears, you sincerely need help. You remind me of the child's fable of the boy who cried wolf, and perhaps the term, "let sleeping dogs lie" should be diligently practiced.
Very few are setting any fine example internet-wide, of defending any roleplay community; and certainly is not the example you should allow “your community” to represent, despite the fact you seem to think the plight is justified. If it wasn't for the fact that I have extremely thick skin, I'd venture to the thought of saying this is also a form of online harassment at its absolute pinnacle, and gifted from those who claim to not indulge in the very act itself. In all reality, you all skip up onto your diminutive podiums and cry victim when it suits you, and if there is anyone idiotic enough to pamper the attention seeking attitudes blatantly exhibited. All the better to recruit, looking for sympathy votes as well and continuing the vicious circle.