[Copyright & Disclaimer]

From The Creator of Atra'Lamia Darkbane.

Greetings... and welcome to what has been seventeen (17) years of my own work. I have taken much pride in the endeavors of both past and current story-lines evolving around my character, Atra'Lamia a well known character formerly found in the Romance section of Yahoo 'Eden' before her Ayenee debut on the 28th November 1997 after myself and others from Kelindil's Site. 

It must be known that although I am the creator of Atra'Lamia and although she played an important part in the construction and history of Ayenee, I do not "claim" ownership of Ayenee (unlike some ludicrous claims/rumours conjured by simple minds). I also do not claim ownership to contributions from other roleplayer's or authors, nor do I claim ownership or credit for featured artwork. All rights remain with their creators and their intellectual rights and property, and no dispute will be entered into, either in character generation or featured stories. However, should you have any issues with any content or material on this website, I urge you to contact me directly.

In further deliberation. No character used within this website may be used as reference to other "non-related" plots/stories without direct consent from the creator of said character. This is only common courtesy and also comes under the actual rules of role-play etiquette. It is also appropriate to mention, that no content within this site may be used as reference material in conjunction with any role-play outside of this site, respected roleplay communities (TDR and Valucre) without written consent from the respected author(s) in reference.

If you are interested in joining this role-play, or have previously been role-playing in an Ayenee based forum or  other media,  you are more than welcome to apply by email expressing your desire to write with myself and others "associated". But I will firmly state here, that if you happen to be on my blacklist, then I advise not to waste your time and pursue your literacy passions elsewhere. I/nor my "associates" are interested in drama, nor am I/nor my "associates" interested in those who tangle themselves in the deceptive webs of it, then scream when the "shadows" come to feast.

Further Notes: I am an 18+ [M] Dark Fantasy|Horror| Erotica| Ancient Era writer. Due to such genre's of writing, I am obligated to provide notification that any role-play/and writing 'may' contain explicit, gore-based or sexual related material.  What you subject your eyes to is your own responsibility at your own discretion. 

 Also, seeing as I (the webmistress of this site) a published writer worldwide, and reside and write from Australia, my work and intellectual property are covered under Australian and International © copyright laws, any written material posted by myself falls under coverage of content. 
Meaning that I may not be the author, but I represent the integrity and authenticity of the literature under my own legal name as an editor to the original writing. I have provided no written licence of any content by myself to be featured on any other blog/website/chat site or any other platform that I have not submitted myself. Any other content where permission/or written licence has not been granted is under violation of copyright infringement.

Lastly. My character under any of her aliases have never been in-character anywhere in the vicinity of Ayem'vu or any other IMVU based roleplay. Any roleplay, or in-character mention of this invalid and an infringement on my rights, (unless it is mentioned in the writing here on this site or where I have posted it myself on IMVU under the sole identity of Visendakona). There is a group of certain individuals out there that is involving myself, my character and my "associates" in their dubious dealings without knowing anything about myself, my character or my "associates", and basing such works on immature assumption, gossip and metagaming-  an attempt to cause drama where drama in not necessitated. 

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of my 'writing' material featured on this blog/website without consent and written permission is strictly prohibited: this includes extracts, duplication's or reference towards myself, my character and my writing.

Artwork featured on this site has credit provided towards the artist and/or the url link to where the art was obtained has been included. However the art edits/manipulations are my own work and creativity and may not be used.

© Dy/Atra'Lamia/Visendakona 1997-2016. All Rights Reserved. NO written material (including character or reference) may be copied, distributed, mentioned or used without written license.